Themis: The Titaness of Divine Law and Order

In the vast pantheon of Greek mythology, Themis stands as a beacon of divine order, justice, and prophecy. As a Titaness, her influence predates the Olympian gods and goddesses, and her legacy is deeply rooted in the very fabric of the universe. Her name, synonymous with law and fairness, resonates through time, reminding us of the importance of balance and righteousness.

Themis Key Facts

ParentsUranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth)
All SiblingsCoeus, The Intellectual Pillar of the Celestial North, Crius (Krios), The Pillar of the South, Cronus, Hyperion, The Titan Illuminating, Iapetus, etc.
OffspringThe Horae, The Moirai, Spinners of The Thread of Life, Astraea, etc.
Other namesJustitia (Roman name)
Roman nameJustitia
The God ofDivine Law, Order, and Prophecy
SymbolsScales, Blindfold

Name and Etymology

Themis, a name that echoes through the annals of Greek mythology, is derived from the Greek word “θέμις,” which translates to “divine law” or “that which is laid down.” Unlike human-made laws, Themis represents the divine order of things, the inherent rules that govern the universe. In Roman mythology, she is often equated with Justitia, the personification of justice. Throughout various texts and references, Themis is hailed by epithets that emphasize her role in maintaining cosmic order and her prophetic abilities, often being referred to as the “Oracle of Delphi” before Apollo took over the role.

Themis’ Roman counterpart, Justitia, further cements her association with justice and fairness. The Roman interpretation, while similar in many respects, places a more significant emphasis on the legal aspects of justice, as opposed to the divine order. This subtle distinction showcases the evolution of the deity’s perception across cultures and eras.

Her name has transcended mere mythology, influencing modern terminologies. The term “themis” is often used in legal contexts to denote fairness and justice, a testament to the Titaness’s enduring legacy.

Themis Family and Childhood

Born to Uranus, the primordial god of the sky, and Gaia, the ancient goddess of the earth, Themis was one of the twelve Titan offspring. These Titans were the predecessors of the Olympian gods and played pivotal roles in shaping the cosmos. Growing up, Themis was surrounded by powerful siblings like Cronus, the ruler of the Titans, and Rhea, the mother of the primary Olympian deities.

Themis’ birth was a testament to the union of the sky and earth, symbolizing her role as a mediator and the embodiment of divine law and order. From her earliest days, she was revered for her wisdom and her innate ability to foresee the future. This prophetic gift would later lead her to become one of the oracles of Delphi, a role she held with distinction until passing it on to Apollo.

While many Titans were known for their fierce battles and rivalries, Themis was a beacon of stability and order amidst the chaos. Her influence was not just limited to her Titan family; she played a crucial role in the new world order when the Olympians came to power, especially after her union with Zeus.

Themis Lovers and Relationships

Themis, in her divine wisdom and grace, was highly respected by gods and mortals alike. Her most notable relationship was with Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods. Their union was not just a romantic alliance but also a merging of cosmic powers. Together, they represented the perfect balance of power and justice, ensuring that the universe operated in harmony.

Zeus, known for his many dalliances, truly valued his relationship with Themis. She was not just his consort but also his counselor, guiding him through complex decisions with her prophetic insights and understanding of divine law. Their relationship was a testament to the importance of balance in leadership, with Zeus’s might complemented by Themis’s wisdom.

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Themis Offspring

From her union with Zeus, Themis bore several children, each embodying aspects of time, law, and order. Among them were the Horae, goddesses of the seasons and natural portions of time, and the Moirai, also known as the Fates, who determined the life and death of all beings. Another notable offspring was Astraea, the goddess of innocence and purity, who later became associated with the constellation Virgo.

The Horae: Custodians of Time and Seasons

The Horae, often referred to as the “Hours,” are a group of deities who preside over the divisions of time and the natural order of things. Originally, in early traditions, they were considered goddesses of the seasons, ensuring the timely progression of nature’s cycles, from sowing to harvesting. Their role was pivotal in maintaining the balance of the world, ensuring that nature’s rhythms were never disrupted.

As Greek mythology evolved, the Horae’s number and functions expanded. While initially, they were seen as a trio representing spring, summer, and winter, later traditions introduced more Hours, each overseeing a specific portion of the day. This shift transformed them from mere seasonal deities to custodians of daily time. Despite these changes, their core essence remained: they were guardians of order, ensuring the smooth transition of time and the preservation of nature’s harmony.

The Moirai: Weavers of Fate

The Moirai, commonly known in English as the “Fates,” are among the most powerful entities in Greek mythology. These three sisters – Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos – govern the destiny of every being, mortal and immortal alike. Their influence is inescapable, and even the mightiest gods are subject to their decrees. The Moirai represent the inescapable destiny of all beings and the natural order of the universe.

Clotho, the youngest, is the spinner, responsible for spinning the thread of life. She determines when a life begins. Lachesis, the measurer, decides how long each life will be and what events will befall individuals. She measures the thread, allotting each person their destined time on Earth. Atropos, the eldest, is the inevitable end. With her shears, she cuts the thread of life, determining the moment of death. Together, these sisters weave the intricate tapestry of fate, ensuring that the universe’s order is maintained and that every being meets their preordained destiny. Their decisions are final, and none can escape or alter the path the Moirai have set.


Astraea, often referred to as the “Star Maiden” or “Star Goddess,” holds a unique position in Greek mythology. She is best known as the last of the immortals to live among humans during the Golden Age, a time of peace and prosperity. As mankind became more corrupt over the ages, she was said to have ascended to the heavens, becoming the constellation Virgo.

The lineage of Astraea is a topic of some debate among scholars and ancient sources. While many texts, including Hesiod’s Theogony, identify her as the daughter of Themis and Zeus, there are alternative accounts. Another prominent belief is that she was the offspring of the Titan Astraios, often associated with dusk, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn. This pairing, representing the meeting of night and day, adds a poetic dimension to Astraea’s heritage, further emphasizing her connection to the stars and the celestial realm.

Regardless of her parentage, Astraea’s legacy is consistent across myths. She symbolizes innocence, purity, and a time when gods and mortals coexisted in harmony. Her eventual departure from Earth serves as a poignant reminder of the lost Golden Age and the moral degradation of humanity. The scales she often carries, similar to those of Themis, further underline her association with justice and balance.

Depiction And Characteristics

Themis, as a symbol of divine order, justice, and prophecy, has been depicted in various forms throughout the annals of history. Her representations often emphasize her role as the guardian of oaths, the protector of the innocent, and the voice of prophecy.

Themis Appearance

Themis is traditionally portrayed as a mature woman, exuding an aura of wisdom and authority. In many depictions, she holds a pair of scales, symbolizing the balance of justice. These scales are not just tools but represent her unwavering commitment to fairness and the equilibrium of the universe. Alongside the scales, she often carries a double-edged sword, representing the power of justice to protect the innocent and punish the guilty.

Another common element in her portrayal is the blindfold, emphasizing impartiality. The blindfold signifies that justice is meted out without prejudice, favor, or fear. Her statues and images often radiate a calm authority, reminding all of the omnipresence of divine law and the consequences of flouting it.

Themis Personality

Themis embodies the virtues of fairness, wisdom, and foresight. Unlike some of her Titan siblings, who were often driven by passion and rivalry, Themis was a beacon of calm and reason. Her decisions were never impulsive; they were the result of deep contemplation and an understanding of the cosmic order. Her interactions with other deities, especially her counsel to Zeus, showcased her diplomatic skills and her ability to mediate during conflicts.

Her unwavering commitment to justice and order made her a revered figure, not just among the Titans but also among the Olympian gods. Her role as an oracle further emphasized her introspective nature and her connection to the deeper truths of the universe.

Themis Powers

As a Titaness, Themis wielded immense power, but her true strength lay in her wisdom and her gift of prophecy. She was one of the original oracles of Delphi, a role she held with distinction before passing it on to Apollo. Her predictions were renowned for their accuracy, guiding kings, warriors, and even gods in their decisions.

Beyond her prophetic abilities, Themis had the power to enforce divine law and order. Her influence was not limited to the heavens; she played a crucial role in ensuring that the mortal realm adhered to the principles of justice and fairness. Her union with Zeus further amplified her powers, allowing her to shape the destinies of gods and mortals alike.

Themis Symbols

Themis, with her deep-rooted association with justice and order, has several symbols that represent her essence. The scales, perhaps the most iconic of her symbols, represent the balance of justice. They emphasize the importance of weighing evidence and making impartial decisions. The double-edged sword she often carries symbolizes the power of justice – its ability to protect and its duty to punish.

The blindfold, another significant symbol, represents impartiality and the idea that justice is blind. It signifies that decisions are made without prejudice or bias. 

Themis Roles And Responsibilities

Themis had a multifaceted role in Greek mythology. As the Titaness of divine law and order, she was responsible for maintaining the balance in both the mortal and divine realms. Every oath sworn, every promise made, came under her purview. She ensured that these oaths were kept and that those who broke them faced the consequences.

In addition to her role as the guardian of oaths and promises, Themis was also the voice of prophecy. Before Apollo took over the Oracle of Delphi, Themis was its original prophetess. Her predictions were sought by many, from mere mortals to powerful gods, to navigate the complexities of fate.

Her union with Zeus further expanded her responsibilities. As his consort and counselor, she played a pivotal role in the governance of the universe, ensuring that the principles of justice and fairness were always upheld.

Ricardo André Frantz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Myths about Themis

Themis, as the embodiment of divine order and justice, plays a crucial role in several Greek myths. Her presence is often felt when the gods require counsel, especially in matters of law, order, and prophecy. Let’s delve deeper into some of the most prominent myths associated with this revered Titaness.

Themis and the Oracle of Delphi

The Oracle of Delphi, one of the most famous oracles in ancient Greece, was initially presided over by Themis before Apollo took charge. In the early days, pilgrims would travel from far and wide to seek her prophecies. It was believed that Themis would provide guidance to those in need, offering insights that were both profound and just.

As the myths go, Themis inherited the Oracle of Delphi from her mother, Gaia. She was known to sit on the Delphic throne and provide counsel to gods and mortals alike. However, as time passed and the age of the Olympian gods dawned, Apollo, after slaying the serpent Python, The Ancient Serpent, took over the oracle. Yet, Themis’s influence remained, with her teachings and principles forming the foundation of the prophecies given at Delphi.

Themis and the Golden Age

Themis’s reign is often associated with the Golden Age of Greek mythology, a time when gods and mortals coexisted in harmony. During this era, there was no need for laws, as individuals inherently did what was right. Themis, with her scales of justice, ensured that this balance was maintained.

However, as ages passed and the Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages came into being, mankind’s nature changed. Corruption, greed, and disharmony began to take root. Themis, disheartened by the moral degradation of humanity, retreated from the mortal realm. Her departure symbolized the end of an era where divine order and justice naturally prevailed among men.

Themis and the Council of Gods

Themis was not just a passive observer in the affairs of the gods; she played an active role in their councils. Whenever disputes arose among the deities, Themis was often sought out for her wisdom. Her counsel was valued, and her judgments were deemed fair and just by both her peers and her seniors.

One such instance is during the Titanomachy, the great war between the Titans and the Olympians. Themis, despite being a Titaness, chose not to side with her kin. Instead, she provided counsel to the younger gods, guiding them in their strategies. Her neutrality and wisdom were testament to her unwavering commitment to justice and order, even in the face of familial ties and potential repercussions.

Themis In Ancient Greek Religion

Themis, despite being one of the older Titanesses, was revered and respected in the pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses. Her role was not just limited to the myths; she played a significant part in the religious practices of the ancient Greeks.

Sites or Temples Sacred to Themis

Themis, being the embodiment of divine order and justice, had her influence felt in various parts of ancient Greece. She might not have had as many temples dedicated solely to her as some of the Olympian gods. However, her presence was undeniable in many sanctuaries and oracles.

The Oracle of Delphi: Before Apollo took over, Themis was one of the primary deities associated with this famed oracle. Pilgrims would travel great distances to seek her prophecies, and remnants of her influence can still be seen in the ruins of Delphi.

The Temple of Themis in Rhamnous: Located in the region of Attica, this temple was a testament to her importance. The ruins, though weathered by time, still echo the reverence the ancient Greeks had for the Titaness of justice.

Sanctuaries in Athens: Themis, being closely associated with law and order, had several minor sanctuaries in Athens, the city known for its democratic principles. These sites were often visited by lawmakers seeking divine guidance.

Worship and Festivals

Themis, while not having grand festivals in her name like some of the Olympian gods, was still a crucial figure in many religious ceremonies. Her role as the guardian of oaths meant that any ceremony or ritual that involved making promises or swearing oaths would invoke her name.

In legal proceedings, it was common to call upon Themis to ensure fairness. Her name would often be invoked at the beginning of trials, with both parties praying for her guidance and wisdom. Additionally, during certain times of the year, offerings would be made to Themis to seek her blessings.

Representations Of Themis In Art

Themis, with her iconic symbols of scales and sword, has been a favorite subject in art for centuries. Her depictions often emphasize her role as the embodiment of justice and divine order.

In ancient Greek pottery, she’s often shown seated, holding her scales, with figures of mortals or other gods approaching her, seeking her counsel. These images underscore her role as a mediator and a guide.

Statues of Themis can be found in various parts of Greece, with the most famous one being the statue at Rhamnous. This statue, though weathered by time, captures her in all her regal glory, with the scales in one hand and the sword in the other.

In later periods, especially during the Renaissance, Themis became a popular figure in paintings. Artists often portrayed her blindfolded, emphasizing the impartiality of justice. These depictions have influenced modern representations of justice, with Themis becoming a universal symbol for law and order.

Mentions in Ancient Texts

Themis, given her significance in the pantheon of Greek gods, finds mention in several ancient texts. From the works of Hesiod to the plays of Aeschylus, her presence is felt, emphasizing her role in maintaining cosmic and societal order.

In Hesiod’s Theogony, Themis’s role as the mother of the Seasons and the Fates is highlighted. This work underscores her importance in the grand scheme of things. Furthermore portraying her as a force that even the mightiest of gods respect.

Aeschylus, in his play Prometheus, The Titan Who Defied Zeus Bound, references Themis. Here, she’s shown as a wise figure, one who understands the intricacies of fate and destiny. Her counsel is sought by other characters, showcasing her importance in the narrative.

One of the most poignant quotes about Themis comes from the Orphic Hymns: “Honorable, venerable Themis, with eyes of dark, you see all things, and you distribute fairly to the righteous.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was Themis in Greek mythology?

Themis was a Titaness, representing divine order, fairness, law, natural law, and custom. She was the embodiment of divine order, constitutional law, and natural equity.

What symbols are associated with Themis?

Themis is often associated with scales, representing justice and balance, a sword symbolizing the power of justice, and occasionally, a blindfold indicating impartiality.

Was Themis an Oracle of Delphi?

Before Apollo became the primary deity associated with the Oracle of Delphi, Themis held this esteemed position. Offering prophecies to those who sought her guidance.

Who were the children of Themis?

Themis had several children, most notably the Horae (Seasons) and the Moirai (Fates), who played significant roles in Greek mythology.

How is Themis different from Dike?

Themis and Dike are both associated with justice. However, Themis represents divine justice and order, while Dike represents moral justice and human justice

Where was Themis worshipped?

Themis was revered across ancient Greece, with significant temples in Rhamnous and sanctuaries in Athens. She was also a primary deity at the Oracle of Delphi before Apollo.

Featured Image Credit: Ralf Lotys, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Evangelia Hatzitsinidou is the creator and author of which has been merged with She has been writing about Greek Mythology for almost twenty years. A native to Greece, she teaches and lives just outside Athens.